Neuro-Optometry aims to treat and manage visual disorders that are caused by brain injuries such as concussions, stroke, brain tumors, or other neurological conditions.

Cataract Co-Management

Our doctors will examine the crystalline lens in your eyes at each visit to check for cataracts. If you’re diagnosed with a cataract that requires treatment, we will refer you to a trusted cataract surgeon in the Lafayette, Indiana area.

We do not perform surgeries, but we work closely with excellent surgeons and ophthalmologists and will provide postoperative care after your procedure.

Digital Eye Strain Diagnosis & Management

Between work and play, Americans spend an average of 10 hours and 39 minutes looking at screens per day. This makes it no surprise that 60.5% of Americans experience symptoms of digital eye strain.

“Digital eye strain” is the term used to describe eye fatigue and discomfort related to computer, tablet, and smartphone use.

Symptoms can include:

  • Watery eyes
  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Eye fatigue or strain
  • Headaches

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, our eye doctors can help determine if screen time is what’s causing these issues and help you make habitual and environmental changes to treat your digital eye strain. Solutions might include new lenses for your glasses, a different contact lens brand, or products designed to relax the eyes and limit the amount of blue light exposure from your devices (which has been linked to eye strain).

Man straining his eyes

Our diabetic eye examinations include:

  • Examining your eyes for symptoms of diabetes if you have not been diagnosed with diabetes. Examining your eyes for retinal changes if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the US. If you are diabetic, we will watch your eyes closely to keep your vision healthy.

Dry eye disease affects millions of people every day and causes burning, red, and painful eyes and can create blurry vision. At Evans & Taylor Eye Care Group, we have state-of-the-art tools to help manage your dry eye disease.

Glaucoma Diagnosis

Glaucoma is a disease affecting the optic nerves, which carry information from your eyes to your brain. Glaucoma can affect people at any age but is more common as you get older. Early glaucoma causes progressive loss of your side vision, which is often so subtle you don’t notice any vision changes.

Untreated, glaucoma will continue to cause vision loss that moves closer to the center of your vision. Thus, it is important to obtain early diagnosis and begin treatment. Our doctors are able to diagnose and monitor glaucoma.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a treatment approach that involves a series of exercises and activities designed to improve visual function. Vision therapists customize the exercises to meet each patient's specific requirements. A comprehensive vision therapy program comprises a combination of in-office and at-home exercises that gradually increase in difficulty as the individual's visual skills improve. 

Which conditions are treated with vision therapy?

Vision therapy typically includes specific programs to treat:

  • Double vision
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Myopia
  • Autism-related eye disorders
  • Computer vison syndrome
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Eye teaming and tracking problems
  • Focusing difficulties
  • Eye fatigue
  • Depth perception and 3D vision difficulties
  • Hand-eye coordination difficulties
  • Visual perception and processing issues

Contact us to schedule an appointment so an Evans & Taylor Eye Care Group eye doctor can find the right combination of visual therapy to meet your needs. 

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a disease affecting the retina in the back of the eye. The macula is the central portion of the retina that gives you your sharpest detail vision. Patients more than 50 years old are susceptible to developing macular degeneration and eye vitamins can be started at the first signs of changes to slow the progression of the disease.

Our doctors can diagnose macular degeneration at your comprehensive eye exam and can monitor for changes at your follow-up appointments.

TLC LASIK Co-Management

Evans & Taylor Eye Care Group is a TLC affiliate, meaning our doctors don’t perform vision correction procedures, but we do provide preoperative examinations and postoperative follow-up care for LASIK and PRK patients.


Myopia, often called short-sightedness or near-sightedness, is a condition of the eyes that results in blurry long-distance vision.